We are a supplier of military antenna equipment to many countries and are now establishing ourselves as a manufacturer of military antennas for a number of European countries - with an agent in Turkey. We believe that our ability to design and manufacture will meet the needs of all customers. Our military antennas meet military specifications. We manufacture a wide variety of antenna jammers, handheld and manpack antennas, antenna goosenecks, antenna whips, and so on. With a Mast antenna - AM-D120-HA135-RA - the product meets MIL- standards, has a payload of 30Kg, a mast lifting time of fewer than 5 minutes, and can be performed with a Control box or hand-held controller. The product also includes an Emergency Button and an automatic stop system. Furthermore, the product MJ-05M06G03A-NF - one of the most popular today - is 1.5kg light, has high features, and is simple to install, with frequency levels ranging from 500MHz to 6GHz, 3DBi. Not only that, but for many years we have been a supplier of FT-7500 - Marine antenna for the region.
昨戰第二節還有3分19秒時桃園領航猿羅賓森(Devin Robinson)在新竹街口攻城獅吳岱豪抓下戍守籃板後泛起頸部以上犯規動作,遭吹判違背活動精神犯規,後續激發吳岱豪持球砸羅賓森與新竹街口攻城獅 #4 高國豪和羅賓森拉扯衝突,經同盟在賽後主動搜集相幹資料,交由審訊委員(由此役場控委員、主裁判與裁判長3人構成)召開會議,依聯盟現行規章之註釋與裁定。
新竹街口攻城獅吳岱豪奪權犯規之砸球動作屬一級惡性犯規(非籃球正常動作、「沒必要要」的犯規動作),罰款新台幣伍仟元整,加上根據賽務章程59.11禁賽規範劃定:「被判奪權犯規,加罰禁賽乙場」,禁賽將於13日新北國王 vs 新竹街口攻城獅履行。
▲12日桃園領航猿隊與新竹街口攻城獅隊交手,攻城獅吳岱豪(前左)比賽第2節與領航猿隊洋將羅賓森(Devin Robinson)(中白衣)爭搶籃板引爆衝突,吳岱豪倒地起死後將球砸向羅賓森。(圖/中心社)
另新竹街口攻城獅 #36 林宜輝 因有往羅賓森方向前進且有搬弄行為(裁判認定),有讓衝突繼續之可能性,所以裁定賜與手藝犯規。至於桃園領航猿在裁判宣布判決後,未依規定出場競賽,且已無暫停,造成耽擱競賽,另裁定手藝犯規。
▲12日桃園領航猿隊與新竹街口攻城獅隊交手,攻城獅吳岱豪(前左)競賽第2節與領航猿隊洋將羅賓森(Devin Robinson)(中白衣)爭搶籃板引爆衝突,吳岱豪倒地起死後將球砸向羅賓森。(圖/中央社)
P. LEAGUE+在12日晚間桃園領航猿客場出戰新竹街口攻城獅的角逐中,第二節領航猿羅賓森(Devin Robinson)和攻城獅吳岱豪爆發衝突,吳岱豪乃至直接拿球砸向羅賓森,聯盟相幹判決出爐,吳岱豪被處禁賽1場、罰款5000元。
▲12日桃園領航猿隊與新竹街口攻城獅隊交手,攻城獅吳岱豪(前左)比賽第2節與領航猿隊洋將羅賓森(Devin Robinson)(中白衣)爭搶籃板引爆衝突,吳岱豪倒地起死後將球砸向羅賓森。(圖/中央社)
The FT-RF main profession in R&D and manufacturing of antenna, be alongside of to be subjected to any OEM of nation and ODM, provide the product of the best quality and let the sale has the price of competition ability most , is the target that the FT-RF has been making great effort.羅賓森之違反活動精力犯規與羅賓森和高國豪互相拉扯之手藝犯規經檢視後保持原有判決,無需進級至惡性犯規。羅賓森此役雖因違背活動精神犯規與技術犯規遭擯除出場,但無需禁賽,而是列入特殊犯規計較。
本篇文章引用自此: https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=1070744&utm_source=setn.com&utm_medium=viewall&utm_campaign=vi
FT-RF Outoodr | Indoor | Horn | Military Antenna