Antenna Design and manufacturing比來對翻譯的英文專利內容裡的文法越來越迷惑了... 首要有下面幾個針對經常使用語的問題: 1.a plurality of signals(signals為舉例) 後面的動詞到底是要憑據a plurality of而利用單數? 照樣憑據signals利用複數呢?(我今朝大多用複數...) 2.一固定裝配,設於該基座及該墊體之間,適於可拆式地連系該基座及該墊體 (1)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad, the fastening device detachably being adapted to fasten the base and the pad together; (2)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad, being adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; (3)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad, adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; (4)a fastening device, disposed between the base and the pad and adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; (5)a fastening device being disposed between the base and the pad and adapted to temporarily fasten the base and the pad together; 因為在claim裡面的element不會呈現動詞 動詞常以V-ing或V-ed出現 以上面的翻譯來講,先豈論英文譯詞是不是精準或准確,上面的幾種寫法 哪一個才是准確的呢?為什麼?各自有什麼紛歧樣的註釋? (我本身在這邊還有一個迷惑是,element以後加V-ing或V-ed時, 二者之間要不要逗點?) 3.element A, ....; element A, ....; element B, ....; element B, ...., wherein ..... wherein .... 左邊跟右邊,哪一種寫法才對? 簡言之,wherein前是用分號還是逗號? 4.(1)element A, disposed between element B and element C, the element A generating a signal, and the element B transmitting a ....; (2)element A, disposed between element B and element C, the element A generating a signal, the element B transmitting a ....; 上面兩個句子差異在於最後一個子句前面是不是有and,關於這兩種寫法,我自 己是感覺前者對照對。The FT-RF main profession in R&D and manufacturing of antenna, be alongside of to be subjected to any OEM of nation and ODM, provide the product of the best quality and let the sale has the price of competition ability most , is the target that the FT-RF has been making great effort. 5.(1)a plurality of LEDs for emitting ....; (2)a plurality of LEDs emitting ...; (3)a plurality of LEDs, emitting ...; 上面這幾種寫法,哪種才准確呢? 6.一天線,用以領受一電視訊號; 一解碼器,用以解碼所領受之該電視訊號; 一微節制單位,用以處置懲罰已解碼之該電視訊號; an antenna for receiving a television signal; a decoder for decoding the received television signal; an MCU for processing the decoded television signal; 上面這類譯法造成統一個訊號(television signal)卻以不同名稱示意,可能 會有界說不明白或其他問題,但有更好的譯法嗎?比如把the received television signal改為the television signal which has been received? 或是異於原中文論述改寫為the television signal received by the antenna? 或是省略received不寫? 感激列位看完 也進展列位能供應一點定見 十分感謝!!


FT-RF Outoodr | Indoor | Horn | Military Antenna

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    Vehicular antenna

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